90° angle table makes certain setups easier on the mill. Often you need
to machine a surface that is perpendicular to another surface, but not
necessarily parallel to the bottom of the part. This angle plate with
T-slots makes it possible to clamp parts to either the bottom or back
surface. For extra-strong setups, parts can be clamped to both surfaces at
once. It is fastened to the mill table with six T-nuts and bolts
(included), additn even more rigidity to the machine. Used in conjunction
with the P/N 3012 or 3013 hold-down set, this makes a very useful fixture
for any machine shop. It's one of those handy "building blocks"
that will end up being used in all kinds of setups you never contemplated
when you purchased it. The extruded aluminum material has flat, machined
surface and is finished with a black anodized coating. its large 3" x
10" table surfaces and beefy 5/8" thickness alsom make it useful
on full-size milling machines and drill presses.
angle plate is a very useful work-holding fixture for milling. It can be
used to hold parts on either the vertical or horizontal surface. Parts can
also be held from two directions at once. It has large 3" x 3" x
10" surfaces with two T-slots running full length on each. It is made
from extruded aluminum with accurately machined faces and a black anodized
finish. Provided with the plate are six 10-32 x 3/8" mounting screws
and T-nuts.
fixture is not limited to use on Sherline tools. Like the rotary table and
some other Sherline accessories, it could be useful on larger machines in
your shop as well.